Recipe Index

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grilled Fennel bulb and Vegetables

1 Fennel bulb
1 yellow zucchini
2 bell pepper one red and one green
1 medium size onion
15 to 16 cherry tomato
5 garlic pods
5 tablespoon olive oil

Prepare the fennel bulb by removing the top stalks.  Next, cut and discard about 1/4" of the bottom.  Remove and discard the out peel of the bulb which is very scaly.  Cut rest of the bulb into length wise slices.

Cut the zucchini, bell pepper and onions as shown in the video.

Take a ribbed skillet, dribble about 5 tablespoon olive oil in it.  On high heat start to grill the chopped fennel on both sides.  Next grill the zucchini, bell pepper, onion and garlic.  Keep the grilled garlic separate and chop it into smaller bits when cool.  Next grill the cherry tomato.  The vegetables need to be grilled so that they are some what crunchy.  Once the skillet is hot each vegetable takes about 5 minutes for cooking.

Place the grilled vegetables on a plate.

To a pan on medium heat add 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds and toast it until it darkens, when done add it to the grilled vegetable.

Other items to add to the grilled vegetables:
1/2 teaspoon paprika or chili powder to taste
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
A few chopped fennel fronds
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Mix everything and serve.

Serves 4.