Recipe Index

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Asparagus and cream peas

1 lbs asparagus
1 cup frozen cream peas
3 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/2 salt
1 teaspoon of zest of orange
Clean and cut the asparagus into 1" pieces.  Heat a pan with oil add cream peas  and a little water and cook for about 3 minutes.  After three minutes add asparagus and cook till the asparagus is done it takes about 8 to 10 minutes, add salt, Italian seasoning and orange zest.  Served with rice or chapati.
Serves 2.

You find really good asparagus in spring.  It is a delicate vegetable.  Like spinach it rots fast.  If I am not cooking it right away I usually keep the cut ends soaked in water in the refrigerator.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bitter melon curry

1 lbs of chopped bitter melon (also know as bitter gourd or karela)
3 tablespoon of oil
2 tablespoon of sambar powder (recipe is in this blog, or substitute with store bought, store bought sambar powder has more chili, adjust it to taste)
2 tablespoon of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt

The bitter melon are washed and cut.  If the seeds are tender they can be used if the seeds are hard  or ripe they are discarded.

Heat oil in a pan add bitter melon cover and cook.  When the melon is cooked add salt and sambar powder, stir add lemon juice stir and turn the heat off.

Bitter melon as its name states is bitter tasting.  It is an acquired taste.  Adding lemon juice or tamarind to it reduces its bitterness.  

When I was a little kid I used to hate this vegetable, my dad used to get me to eat bitter melon saying "Bitter melon is so good for you that it will make your tummy so tough that if you eat a rock it will get digested".

Northern beans soup recipe

Please click on arrow to watch video:

2/3 cup of dry northern beans can be substituted with canned beans
1 cup of chopped onions
1 cup of chopped tomato
2 tablespoons of oil
2 green chili
1 tablespoon of chopped ginger
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon of garam masala found at Indian grocer
1/2 teaspoon salt
Enough water to cook the beans

Wash the beans and soak them hot water for least one hour.  In a pan with two cups of water cook the soaked beans for at least 25 minutes or till it is cooked.  If the beans are not soaked before cooking they take longer to cook.

In a pan heat the oil, add onions and fry them till brown, add green chili, ginger, garlic and stir, add turmeric powder wait for a few seconds stir add tomato, stir cover and cook till the tomatoes are done (oil will separate from the tomato), add the cooked beans, salt, garam masala cook till it comes to a boil.  Turn the heat off. Add 2 tablespoon of lemon juice (optional).  Garnish with cilantro

Served with rice or chapati, serves 2

Northern beans and cannellini beans are not the same.  Cannellini beans are larger.  Northern beans skin is smother it is also used in salads.

Monday, March 26, 2012


4 cups of mixed vegetables chopped into long pieces
 (good vegetables for avial are squashes, yam, eggplant, raw banana, potato)
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder or haldi
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup of ground coconut, can be substituted with dry coconut
1/2 of jalapeno or 2 green chilies to taste
1/2 cup of yogurt
1 teaspoon of tamarind concentrate
1 tablespoon of coconut oil optional

Cook the vegetables with enough water. 
Grind the coconut with jalapeno peppers. 
When the vegetables are almost done add turmeric powder, salt and tamarind concentrate. Let it cook for a minute. 
Add the ground coconut and jalapeno mixture, turn the heat off and add yogurt. Garnish with curry leaves.  Drizzle a tablespoon of coconut oil over the finished dish.  

Served with rice, chapati, adai, pongal, upma.  Serves 2

If you have left over vegetables by making avial you can use it up.  There are very few spices used in avial.  For its simplicity avial has an outstanding taste. Squashes go well in this dish.  Raw banana also goes well.  Avial originated in Kerala but everyone loves it.